Detroit Youth: Perceptions of the Police

One year after the death of George Floyd, who was brutally killed by a police officer, we are airing this multifaceted social justice program in partnership with the Detroit Coalition for Police Transparency and Accountability (CPTA), Detroit Will Breathe, the Detroit Independent Freedom Schools Movement, and Alnur African Dance Detroit.

Members of the Detroit-based grassroots organization ‘Detroit Will Breathe’ discuss with African American youth their candid reactions and perspectives about the police. Dr. Gloria Aneb House, Professor Emerita of Humanities at Wayne State University, former Chair and Professor Emerita of African American Studies at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, the 2019 Eminent Kresge Artist, an internationally renowned former SNCC activist, and co-founder of the CPTA directs this virtual program.

It also highlights creative dance performances and skits that address this same topic by the Alnur African Dance Troupe, a group of African American youth dancers and drummers facilitated by dedicated master instructor Margaret Robeson (Mama Ayi).

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