Lush emerald surroundings sing their tune in the morning
A betrodden but comforting scene, peaceful times
Soft and sensitive conversation taking place, fresh with an evoking sensitivity
The trip is far from over, but the kinsfolk are warm, like a child cradled in the
womb Vivacious and hopeful, conversing with a soft pur
Coveted friendships far from being broken, they stand at peace
The long days ahead are a challenge, but they are motivated together as one
Serene and tranquil for a resting spot, they gather their things and move on
An uplifting and soul building experience, a simple smooth pebble on the
beach For their journey has not ended, they have just begun
Tomas is a fine arts student at the College for Creative Studies. He enjoys writing, journaling, drawing, and painting…basically anything art related! He is a big fan of Riverwise and is always looking for ways to give back to the community.