Hrishika Makker: Invincible

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I am broken pieces of diamond,
Broken, but still shining in the dark
They managed to break me
To carve
Words I don’t want to believe onto me
Switched the light off, left me alone
That’s when the light within me
Guided my way,
Made my world bright, showed me the light

They came back again
Still not satisfied
Picked up my broken pieces, to turn them into dust
Their anger, now their downfall
Clenching their fists they didn’t realize
My sharp edges, they cut like knife
Now cut their own skin

My body soaked with their red hot blood
My mind, now a free bird
One that flew away, the first chance it got.

22 year old Hrishika Makker is a creative designer, writer and student at the College for Creative Studies (CCS) Detroit. Makker hails originally from Mumbai, India, and has a passion to create change through her automotive designs and compelling words.