Ru Colvin: Wisdom

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You ever think of how wise trees must be?

Some of them have been here for hundreds of years.. can you imagine the stories they’d tell if they could talk?

.. such a wide array of emotion they’d display, i’d imagine.

The real storytellers.

if only they could talk..

When the wind blows through outstretched limbs on a given day, what message do you think they’re trying to convey?

Prose originally published on Substack:

I often turn to the trees for grounding and for healing, as one of the oldest ancestors and healers I know. Whether it’s grief, anger, confusion, sadness – they always hold and guide me through it all. I offer you this incantation, a practice even, if you are ever in need of guidance or someone to hold you. 

For most of us, it may be cold and snowy, and sitting with trees isn’t ideal. I’d say, challenge yourself to still sit with them; even if from the car. Have you ever seen a tree hold the weight of fresh snow? How can we turn to trees when we too are holding heavy things? 

Protocol for sitting in nature when in need of reflection

*inspired by the facilitation of a safety protocol training by Curtis + Erin of The Detroit Safety Team. 

  1. Find a suitable tree at your favorite park with a good space for sitting; wherever makes sense for you.
  2. Have writing tools handy for reflection (journal, pen, other desired stationery or comfort items)
  3. After taking three, self-paced deep breaths, honor the trees and land aloud. You want to thank them for their presence, for holding space and for their protection in life. This can be said aloud or to yourself. 
  4. Jot a question or thought to reflect on (can be something you’re pondering or need direction on) and spend 5-10 minutes answering: 
    1. What’s on my mind when this comes up?
    2. How am I feeling when this comes up?
    3. What do I need to move through these feelings?
  5. End with deep breaths and gratitude
  6. Enjoy silence and sounds of nature until you are ready to leave

Ru (they/them) is a queer abolitionist, organizer, activist, and writer. They lead a grassroots effort, The Solutionaries Collective, whose work is rooted in fostering critical connections for interconnectivity through a publication and shared space, with others who are “Solutionaries”. Ru believes in writing as a tool for liberation and work to find ways of intersecting journalism with grassroots-level organizing to mobilize and empower. When joy + pleasure is centered, they can be found enjoying the beauties of nature, spending time with their son and other loved ones, or simply resting.